GE Appliances, a Haier company

Supply Chain Intern

August - December 2021 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

Great culture. a lot of projects with great learning opportunities. Free housing

What I wish was different

More in person work.


Time management is key.
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Engineering Co-op

August - December 2023 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I worked in AP5 Supplier Quality Assurance, and I loved my position. My assignment leader was hands off mostly, and it gave me the opportunity to take initiative. I was able to lead multiple large sorting and reworking projects. My biggest project was the funnel asm sorting and reworking project. The funnel asm is part of the ice chute on the multidoor refrigerator, and the mechanical flapper was getting stuck in the open position. I came up with a sorting process, worked with an outside sorting company to sort the defective parts within the pipeline. Then I communicated with the offshore supplier to work on a solution and immediately start shipping good parts and expediating the matte covers for the solution. After sorting, reworking, and shipping new parts, I troubleshooted the situation to figure out that a tab was protruding too far and causing the flapper's sticky cover to get stuck on the outside of the funnel. This project was so big that it got presented to directors. I was able to make connections and rapport. It got to a point that I was so known around the factory floor, that project assignments came from Team Leaders and ABLs and not just my assignment leader. Projects just found me. I honestly didn't feel like a co-op. I felt like an actual full-time employee.

What I wish was different

According to my assignment leader, these aren't common but during my term there was multiple fires and an active shooter event in just AP5. There was 1 large fire, and no one got hurt, but it occurred due to a contractor not following protocol when welding. There were a few smaller fires in plastics, which were very small and handled right away. However, the active shooter event was the scariest. It was indeed a false alarm, but no one was prepared. GEA needs to regularly test the alarm more than every 3 years, either practice or ensure employees know what to do during active shooter events, and give better instructions during the event. I do believe there are actions in place to fix these issues.


Don't be afraid to work here. It is an amazing place to work, and I loved it. Take initiative and become a leader on the factory floor. Also don't be afraid to speak up. Especially with the fire and drills, I spoke up and asked questions and I believe changes are being made. If you have the desire to learn or lead, they will go out of their way to give you opportunities. Don't be afraid to take those chances.
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Quality Control Co-Op

August - December 2018 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I got a lot of hands-on experience with injection molding machines. I took classes in order to become RJG certified. Met lots of great people and learned a lot in a very short period of time.

What I wish was different


Be willing to learn, and ask questions!
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Sourcing Supply-Chain Co-Op

May - August 2023 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

Great resources and meaningful work given.

What I wish was different



Make the most of your experience, throw yourself into uncomfortable situations to ultimately learn valuable tools and skills.
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Production Quality Engineer

January - May 2023 • Decatur, AL

What I liked

I worked in Supply Chain, but my co-op in Quality was as pretty close to the Technology side of the business. I thoroughly enjoyed each project given to me. Most projects related to modifying the assembly line due to design flaws revealed in manufacturing processes. I also had the ability to suggest and make changes to the design itself based on these flaws, and learn the process of agile methodology in starting from concept to implementation. This role particularly strengthened my CAD and test & measurement skills, and helped me get a strong grasp of the contribution that quality engineers have in design modifications.

What I wish was different

I wish that I could have seen more of my projects to completion. The process of moving business changes to completion takes some time. I also wish that I could have been more involved in projects related to 3D printing and scanning, which is something accessible to interns should their project require it.


Go in with an open mind; there is so much to learn and grow in the manufacturing industry. GE Appliances does an exceptional job in giving their co-ops/interns true and relative experience that they can carry on with them in their career moving forward. You are given a lot of responsibility and many resources to help you along the way if you are stuck. This company truly seeks to invest in your potential!
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Area Business Leader Co-op

May - August 2023 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

My assignment leader was awesome. He offered me invaluable opportunities to learn and experience manufacturing operations firsthand. Instead of assigning me meaningless tasks, he entrusted me with real responsibilities. I was out on the floor everyday making production decisions. There was never a day that I did not have something to do. The abundance of co-op colleagues made the experience even more enjoyable, as we had events together at work but also bonded outside of work as well. I truly had an amazing experience at GEA!

What I wish was different

The only thing I truly wish were different was the opportunity to work on an engineering project. Even though my role wasn't primarily in engineering, it would have been a good experience to be involved in such a project. Nevertheless, the knowledge and experience I gained from this role will undoubtedly prove invaluable regardless of the path I choose to pursue. The role I held has provided me with a unique opportunity to develop an understanding of the crucial link between operations and engineering to ensure success.


One essential piece of advice I would share is to never hesitate to ask questions. Remember, the primary purpose of being there is to learn. Additionally, don't assume that you know everything just because you learned it in class. The real world is far more complex, with numerous variables that you may not have thought of. Stay open to different opportunities because you never know what you are going to like. Something you think you are going to hate you might end up loving.
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Technology Co-op

January - May 2023 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

My favorite part of my role was that even though I was working with sourced products in AC (not made at GE Appliance park), I did work on multiple projects with direct design work. One of my larger projects involved root cause analysis and making a design change to correct the failure for production. Projects like this one were extremely hands on and gave me a great opportunity to show and develop my problem solving and design skills. I also participated in the Co-op design challenge, where I worked with 3 other co-ops to create an entirely new appliance from the ground up, a portable RV gas cooktop that fits into the countertop and can easily be removed and taken elsewhere. In the end, we created a highly detailed CAD model and a physical proof of concept prototype, which functioned as intended. The design challenge was my favorite project throughout the rotation, as it was entirely our own to manage and develop as co-ops, and we were able to get a patent application in for our design (which is pending at the time of this review), which was a great experience. Outside of my projects, everyone at GEA is extremely welcoming, and there is a strong sense of community in the workplace. There are also always plenty of other co-ops and young engineers in every part of appliance park, and housing was provided with other co-ops. The housing was very nice, and it's a great way to get to know 2-3 other co-ops from the start. (Edit after 2nd Rotation): After now having worked 2 rotations at GE Appliances working with Room AC on sourced product development, I can confidently reinforce all the thoughts above from my previous rotation in the spring. GEA is an extremely welcoming company and there are countless opportunities to take on larger projects and responsibilities. This rotation (summer 2023), I continued to work in Room AC although under a different assignment leader, so with a focus on different products (Window AC's and Portable AC's). The work continued to be very hands on and involved, and I was given lots of responsibility and ability to work independently on managing the safety evaluation for over 50 units. I also continued to support the team from my previous rotation in the Spring, and was able to take on much more responsibility in the final development of a smart thermostat that I had gained extensive experience with in my first rotation.

What I wish was different

Overall, I am very happy with my rotation and would not change anything major. The only thing that I wish I personally had done differently was getting more involved in the co-op committees. The co-op committees organize social events, co-op communications, and other activities. While I did attend many of the social events and became friends with many other co-ops here, I wish I had been more involved in the communications and professional development committees. (Edit After Second Rotation): While part of me is happy to have stayed in the same department for both rotations (Room Air Conditioning) because of the knowledge I had going in, I also think it would have been a good time to move to another department to get a different experience. I think that returning to the same place has great benefits, but I think it would be better suited for final rotations. I worked in the same place my first and second rotation at GEA, and while I loved the experience, I don't know what other positions are like even after 8 months.


Getting involved in the social aspect of the rotation has made the experience much more enjoyable. GEA hires large groups of co-ops (80-100+), and there are many social events organized through co-op ran committees and outside of work for co-ops to get to know each other and hang out. These events around Louisville doing different activities have been one of the most enjoyable aspects of the rotation to me, and it really does make the time in Louisville much more enjoyable. I also highly encourage participation in the co-op design challenge if it is available, as it was a great experience to work on entirely managing our own project over the course of the rotation, and creating a physical prototype. (Edit after second rotation): I highly encourage any other interns or co-ops to take on larger projects as they come up. There were many opportunities I had to take on larger projects than simple day to day tasks, and those projects turned out to be by far the most rewarding. Having completed a larger project on your own really gives you a sense that you made a significant or notable contribution to the company, and it is a great way to get improve important engineering skills like experiment design and project management.
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Engineering Co-op

August - December 2022 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

This co-op experience has been highly beneficial. I liked how my team was always willing to help out whenever I needed it but they were also willing to give me the space to figure things out on my own. This is where I grew the most, I noticed how much of an individual leader I was. I also really enjoyed learning about how a manufacturing plant works and the importance of behind-the-scenes work. Lastly, I really enjoyed how GEA encouraged the co-ops to do things outside of work. And having a big co-op class made the activities much more entertaining.

What I wish was different

There is not much that I would change about my experience at GEA. If I had to pick something it would be to have the opportunity to be involved in more projects relating to my major. I would like to have related more of my schooling to the work that I was doing for the company. Another thing that I wish was different was that the co-ops assisted each other on projects. Being able to bounce ideas off of each other rather than just using your team that is at least 10-15 years older. There were definitely some projects that probably could have been completed faster with two similar brains working on it together.


One piece of advice that I would share about this experience would be to not be afraid to ask questions and get involved. As a first-rotation co-op being in the industry it can be very intimidating but everyone at the company understands that you're there to learn. Reach out. As for getting involved, it is imperative that you do things outside of work. Volunteer at events, meet other co-ops, and explore the new city if you're in one. This will make your co-op experience 10x more memorable.
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Design Engineer

January 2019 - August 2022 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

GE Appliances provided an excellent coop program. They streamlined the process from moving in, to orientation, technical training, to starting work. I felt very supported at this internship and learned more on the job than at university. Along with this, there were several different buildings and product lines to work in so each return experience was completely different and fresh.

What I wish was different

Sometimes communication could be less then perfect, however all complaints I could have regarding the experience are greatly overshadowed by the benefits of participating in this internship.


One piece of advice would be to be proactive. No on will force you to do the most, its up to you to seek opportunities that will further your professional skill and its up to you to get the most out of meeting colleagues and networking. Great opportunities and knowledge come to those that seek them out.
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Technical Co-op

May - August 2021 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I enjoyed working in a team and getting actual engineering experience.

What I wish was different

I wish I got a wider variety of experiences rather simply doing the same thing every day. I did a lot of testing, but not much of anything else.


I would advise to always ask if anyone needs help with anything. This is how you get the widest variety of experience.
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Site Supplier Quality

January - May 2022 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I really enjoyed the community and culture that GEA has. The team that I worked with was accepting and willing to help. There was a type of friendliness that I haven't seen before at any other company. I also enjoyed the role I had in Supplier Quality. It was exciting to never fully know what the next day entails since anything could happen that is a Supplier Quality issue. Also, the onboarding process was very smooth. I was grateful for the ease of the normal stress of starting a new job.

What I wish was different

Since Supplier Quality tasks vary day to day, there was little concrete large projects. I would have liked to have at least one large project that would last the whole rotation. Most of the projects I worked on were small everyday projects or the possible week long project. And since a lot of the materials and suppliers I worked with were from China, it took months for projects to advance through the process. Having some sort of middle ground for a project would be the only thing I wish was different.


Explore the company. There is so much to learn about the manufacturing process and the multitude of steps that go into creating a product. Also, explore the different buildings. If you are working in the refrigeration building, go an see how the dishwashers are made. You would be surprised how different the two are from each other. The same goes with exploring different roles in the company. Talk to the operators, the materials team, and the other types of engineers. There is a lot to learn.
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Engineering Co-op

August - December 2021 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I loved the opportunities I had to begin new projects and turn them into potential programs for the company. I also had great opportunities to learn about different sides about the company such as the commercial programs, sourcing, and production lines. I was also able to learn how to use a lot of new machines like the water jet, CNC lathe, laser cutter, etc. The people were amazing and always were willing to help me when I needed it.

What I wish was different

I wish I could have had more time to learn about different programs in the company. They are a large company and I would have loved to see more of the company.


Put yourself out there and ask to be taught something you don't know. Everyone was really eager to teach me new skills and new machinery so ask if you want to learn something new.
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Contract Marketing Specialist

June - August 2020 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I enjoyed the onboarding process and the open communication for growth & development.

What I wish was different

I wish the internship would have been on sight instead of virtual. I also would’ve preferred to be place in a department more of my interest however I was able to learn outside of my comfort zone.


Apply based on your preferences in business of sales and marketing.
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Area business leader

August - December 2021 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I enjoyed the challenges that came with managing an assembly line and having a real world impact on national supply chain

What I wish was different

I wish this area business leader term would have been longer


If you feel like a fish out of water at first that is completely normal it’s not a role that you will pick up in a day or a week it takes time
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Engineering Co-op

August 2019 • Decatur, AL

What I liked

Excellent pay, great opportunities, ability to use college learning and apply it within the workplace

What I wish was different

Co-ops are generally taken advantage of and often required to drop everything and work the production line, and many full-time engineers work long weeks (50-60 hrs)


Set boundaries where you work but also take advantage of every opportunity given to you
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Production Quality Coop

May - August 2018 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

Getting to actively troubleshoot repairs

What I wish was different

More responsibility


Take Initiative
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Environmental health and safety

May - August 2019 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I love the company atmosphere of GEA. They allow you to find projects on your own and help you to make them happen. Great city and great company to work for.

What I wish was different

I wish I would have had a better manager


Find a problem with something in the company that others might overlook and work on it on the side. You will be surprised the exposure you get and the affirmation you receive
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Supplier Quality Engineer Co-op

May - August 2019 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

I liked that GE Appliances was a large company with lots of different opportunities to learn. It was nice that there were plenty of other co-ops there so it was easy to make friends.

What I wish was different

My last role didn’t fit me very well. I just didn’t enjoy the job very much so I guess I would’ve liked a different role. It was still a great learning experience.


Go into internships with an open mind. Don’t be too nervous. You’re there to learn. Just ask questions, focus and try your best and you will be fine.
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Supply Chain Co-op

May - August 2019 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

Throughout the summer, I enjoyed the amount of responsibility I was given from day one. My manager trusted me with decision making and project management.

What I wish was different

I wish I would've been more assertive the first half of my rotation. I was hesitant, to make decisions at the beginning of the summer. Once I started to become comfortable in my role, that drastically changed. I believe, if I would've trusted my self from the start, my projects could've seen a quicker completion.


One piece of advice I would share about this experience, is take moments throughout your day to stop and enjoy the people around you, the tasks you are given, and trust yourself in decisions you're asked to make.
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Marketing and Sales Operations Co-Op

June 2019 • Louisville, KY

What I liked

The people are super great and easy to talk to. I get tons of career advise from everyone.

What I wish was different

A little more description of my role.


Talk to people!! Everyone is super open to talking about their career and advising you with yours.
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